University of Jyväskylä
Department of Mathematical Information Technology

LAMDA - Computationally Intelligent Analysis of Qualitative Data
Prof. Pasi Koikkalainen (project leader) and MSc(eng) Anssi Lensu

In LAMDA we work in collaboration with the Institute for Educational Research as part of their CATO project group. Our goal is to develop an analysis framework of quantitative methods that can be used to analyze the data obtained using questionnaires. The answers to the questionnaires usually contain numerical, multi-choice and free-form textual data. All data types can be analyzed using Self-Organizing Maps. However, the data sets need to be preprocessed properly first, and in most cases several SOMs need to be trained.

Numerical and Multi-choice Data

For numerical data equalization of the ranges of variable values according to their minimums and maximums is usually enough, and then a SOM can be trained. For Multi-choice data we could use n X c dummy variables, where n is the number of multi-choice questions and c is the number of choices. However, this kind of preprocessing results in a SOM, from which it is very difficult to obtain meaningful results, because the SOM is not ordered. This is due to the fact that there is no connection between the variables representing the different choices of a single question. Also, the number of variables can be quite large compared to the number of available data records, m.

To attack the presented problems we have proposed a multi-stage system in which the data is first preprocessed using fuzzy coding that provides a connection between the different choices of the same question. The number of variables can be kept rather small be dividing the original questions into a few categories and later combining the results using fuzzy group memberships. These group memberships indicate with a truth value whether a certain data record (or answer form) should belong to a group of data records which represent a certain opinion or not. The details of this approach are presented in the proceedings of ICANN'98 and STeP'98, and there is a brief overview in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Our approach to the analysis of multi-choice data.

Textual Data

Currently, we are building a system that should be able to locate similar documents from a huge collection of texts. The system we have built is able to group similar words, sentences and documents together, and the resulting model can be used for queries and for providing descriptions to the original documents. The size (number of neurons) of each SOM can be chosen by calculating the model complexity of each layer of the TS-SOM and by choosing the simplest model that is still able to represent the original data properly.

The model is built in two or three phases:

  1. All words, wi, in the original documents, dk, are preprocessed and grouped using a SOM, Sw.
  2. Description vectors, vj, for the sentences, sj, are formed by using Sw. vj indicates, what kind of words are present, and in which order, in sentence j. A new SOM, Ss, is trained using these vectors.
  3. Description vectors, uk, for the documents, dk, are formed by using Ss. uk indicates, what kind of sentences are present in document k. A new SOM, Sd, is trained using these vectors.
The third phase is optional, because Sw and Ss can already be used for word or sentence based queries, and Ss is usually enough for specifying descriptions for the original documents. These descriptions usually indicate that a certain group of documents contains a certain opinion or idea. They can be used in conjunction with the fuzzy group memberships obtained from the multi-choice analysis to form a concluding model of the whole data set.

Figure 2. Our approach to the building of a SOM model for textual data.
Picture also describes how the model can be used for queries and
for providing descriptions to original documents.


Here is a presentation given by Anssi Lensu to the coordinator of the Academy of Finland on August 7th, 1998.
The text analysis part has changed a lot after this presentation.

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