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3D scatterplotting


datplc Scatter the values of a data vector to one axis
<graphic> name of the graphic structure
-n <setname> name of the scatterplot
-ax <axis> name of the axis: x, y or z
-f <field> data field to be scattered
[-co <color>] color for data points
datplc <graphic> -n <name> -rm Remove scatterplot <name>

To scatter data points, datplc computes the locations of <field> values related to the specified axis (set with axis, see section 7.2.7). Several data sets identified with <name> can be displayed with different colors.

Example (ex7.11): The x axis is set according to the field indus. Since the parameter <scaling> is omitted, the minimum and maximum values of the axis are located from the specified field. In other words, the default scaling function is data. The same procedure is performed for the y axis.

NDA> load boston.dat
NDA> mkgrp grp1
NDA> axis grp1 -ax x -f boston.indus
NDA> datplc grp1 -n boston -ax x -f boston.indus
NDA> axis grp1 -ax y -f boston.age
NDA> datplc grp1 -n boston -ax y -f boston.age


Anssi Lensu
Wed Oct 6 12:57:48 EET DST 1999