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Setting the colors or gray levels of neurons


ncolor Set the color of neurons
<graphic> name of the graphic structure
-fg <fgcolor> foreground color
-bg <bgcolor> background color
ngray Set the gray level for the background of the neurons
<graphic> name of the graphic structure
-f <field> source field for evaluating gray levels
[-sca <scaling>] scaling function, default=SOM
[-min <min>] minimum value
[-max <max>] maximum value
[-rgb] use the warm colormap instead of gray levels

The background color of the neurons can be set in two different ways. The first command ncolor is also able to set the foreground color. The second command sets the gray level of the background of the neurons based on the values of a specified variable <field>. The functionality of the last parameter -rgb depends on the used computing environment, but it should produce a warm map having colors from blue to green and further to red.

Example (ex7.15): The following commands set the gray level of the background of the neurons based on weight indus_w.

NDA> somtr -d boston -sout s1 -l 5
NDA> mkgrp grp1 -s s1
NDA> layer grp1 -l 3
NDA> ngray grp1 -f s1_W.indus_w


Anssi Lensu
Wed Oct 6 12:57:48 EET DST 1999