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Querying the settings of a graphic structure


getg Return the settings of a graphic structure
<graphic> name of the graphic structure
[<command>] command for the graphic structure
<command> tex2html_wrap_inline8765 layer, topo, cntr, traj, axis, saxis, ndiam, nshape, nsize, nplc, nvsbl, ncolor, ngray, nconn, umat, sons, bar, rngplt, rlab, fval, gcolor, datplc, hst, ldgr, ldgrc, ldgrv, en, viewp, src, scales tex2html_wrap_inline8767

This command is meant for querying the settings of a graphic structure as commands. If parameter <command> has been omitted, then the whole state is returned.

<command> Returned data - Commands for selecting or setting...
layer the layer
topo the topology of the TS-SOM
cntr the contours on the TS-SOM layer
traj the trajectory on the TS-SOM layer
axis the axes
saxis the subaxes
ndiam the diameter of circles of the neurons
nshape the shape of the neurons
nsize the size of the neurons
nplc the location of neurons
nvsbl neuron visibility
ncolor the color of the neurons
ngray the gray level of the background of the neurons
nconn neuron connectors
umat U-matrix presentation
sons son links
bar the bars
rngplt the range plots
rlab the labels in the subgraphs
fval field values
gcolor the color of the group
datplc the data vector related to the axis
hst histograms
ldgr, ldgrc, ldgrv line diagrams
viewp the viewpoint to the graphic image
en commands for enabling components to be displayed

The flags src and scales do not return commands. Instead they return data as follows.

<Other commands>
src Return names of the selected sources of data (stored in the graphic structure): SOM, data frame and classified data
scales Return the scales of graphical objects (minimum and maximum values). This flag requires an option to specify the type of objects to be queried. Possible options are axis, saxis, ndiam, ngray, bar, rngplt, ldgrc, ldgrv

Example (ex7.31): First, run the example `ex7.31'. Then apply command getg.

NDA> mkgrp grp1 -s s1
NDA> getg grp1 bar
bar grp1 -inx 0 -f sta.crim_avg -co red -sca data 
bar grp1 -inx 1 -f sta.zn_avg -co green -sca abs  -min 10.000000
     -max 100.000000
NDA> getg grp1 axis
axis grp1 -ax x -f som_x -sca abs  -min 0.000000 -max 1.000000
 -step 3 
axis grp1 -ax y -f som_y -sca abs  -min 0.000000 -max 1.000000
 -step 3 
axis grp1 -ax z -f som_z -sca abs  -min 0.000000 -max 1.000000
 -step 3 
NDA> getg grp1 scales bar

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Anssi Lensu
Wed Oct 6 12:57:48 EET DST 1999