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Command echo and messaging


echo Set command echoing on/off or write a message
{-off | set command echoing off
-on} | set command echoing on
<message> write a message into the command list

This command can be used to suspend or re-invoke command echoing before their execution. Echo is on by default. To avoid the display of echo -off, start the command line with `@'. echo can also be used to write messages to the command history list.

Example: Disable command echoing and write your own messages.

Command file:

# Load boston data, train a SOM, calculate stats and create a window
@echo -off
echo Load Boston data and train a SOM...
load boston.dat
prepro -d boston -dout prep -n
somtr -d prep -sout som -cout cld -l 5
clstat -c cld -d boston -dout stats -avg
echo Start visualization...
mkgrp win -s som
setgdat win -d stats
setgcld win -c cld
layer win -l 3
show win
echo Done.
echo -on

Verbose output while executing:

Load Boston data and train a SOM...
Start visualization...

Anssi Lensu
Wed Oct 6 12:57:48 EET DST 1999