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Fuzzy c-means clustering


fcm Fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm
-d <data> name of the input data frame
-dout <dataout> output data frame
-cout <cldata> cluster frame
-eps <s-float> stopping criterion
-imax <int> maximum number of iterations
-nclu <nclust> number of clusters/prototypes
[-my <c-float>] clustering criterion

This command executes the fuzzy c-means algorithm in order to divide the data set, <data>, into clusters. The centroids of the clusters are stored into data frame <dataout> and the classification information to the classified data <cldata>. The number of clusters is defined with the flag -nclu. If no clustering criterion is given put inputdata to nearest cluster.

Example (ex5.16): This example demonstrates the basic use of fcm.

NDA> load boston.dat
NDA> select flds -f boston.indus boston.dis boston.crim boston.age
NDA> fcm -d flds -dout clusdat -cout clucld -eps 0.0 -fi 3
      -my 0.7 -nclu 4 -imax 100


Anssi Lensu
Thu May 17 15:00:44 EET DST 2001