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Vector fields


vecfld set a vector field to the graphics
<graphic> name of the graphic structure
-n <name> name of the point matrix
-d <data> data to be displayed
[-fw <field>] the field holds width of the vectors
[-fb <field>] field of the start points
[-fe <field>] field of the end points
[-co <color>] color of the vectors
vecfld <graphic> -n <name> -rm Remove a vector field

The command sets a vector field to the graphics. The vectors can be defined through their coordinates, width, sizes of the starting and ending points and their color. The coordinates are given in a mandatory parameter <data>. It must have six fields: three first fields are coordinates of the starting points, and three last fields holds coordinates of the ending points. The scales of the values is the unit cubic tex2html_wrap_inline9981 . Note that vector fields does not depend on axis settings.

The optional parameters with the flags -fb and -fe describe sizes of the start and end points. Their scales are also in the range [0,1], indicating that the point with the value 1 fills the unit cubic. Therefore, typical values for these parameters are about 0.01.

The vector width is given in the field with the flag -fw. The width is a relative value where the value 0 means the minimum width, and the scale depends on the implementation of the graphic display. Note that the graphic display does not necessarily support this feature.

Example (ex7.36): The following commands generate random data and displays it as a vector field. The figure below shows two displays: in the first (PostScript) the width of the links is constant, while in the second one the display can change the width (Xview).

# Create a random data
NDA> setdata -f i -vals 0=0; -t float -len 25
NDA> expr -fout vdat.x1 -expr 'i' - 'i' + RAND(1.0);
NDA> expr -fout vdat.y1 -expr 'i' - 'i' + RAND(1.0);
NDA> expr -fout vdat.z1 -expr 'i' - 'i';
NDA> expr -fout vdat.x2 -expr 'vdat.x1' + RAND(0.4) + -0.2;
NDA> expr -fout vdat.y2 -expr 'vdat.y1' + RAND(0.4) + -0.2;
NDA> expr -fout vdat.z2 -expr 'i' - 'i';
NDA> serie -d vdat -fout x -start 1 -step 0
NDA> expr -fout p -expr 'i' - 'i' + RAND(1.0) / 25.0;
NDA> expr -fout q -expr 'i' - 'i' + RAND(10.0);
# Create graphics and set the axis scales
NDA> mkgrp win1
NDA> axis win1 -ax x -sca abs -min 0.0 -max 1.0 -step 3
NDA> axis win1 -ax y -sca abs -min 0.0 -max 1.0 -step 3
# Set the vector field
NDA> vecfld win1 -n v -d vdat -co red -fe p -fw q
# Enable the vector field in the low level graphics
NDA> en win1 vecfld axis
NDA> viewp win1 -dz 150


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Anssi Lensu
Thu May 17 15:00:44 EET DST 2001