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Displaying graphics


These commands are meant for selecting components for a presentation. This does not lead to recomputing, but it has an effect only on a low level image.

en Enable components to be displayed
dis Disable components to be displayed
<graphic> name of the graphic structure
<mode-1> [... <mode-n>] selected components
<mode-i> tex2html_wrap_inline10063 fg, bg, axis, saxis, datplc, ndatplc, cntr, cntrlab, bar, hst, ldgr, rlab, fval, reclab, glab, gcolor, gfill tex2html_wrap_inline10065

These commands select the components of a graphic structure, which are to be displayed or dropped out from the final presentation. These commands work as a quick selection of features and do not affect the settings of the graphic structure, which are defined, for instance, with commands bar or rlab (see sections 7.4.3 and 7.4.9), even if bars are disabled.

Parameters <mode-i> define, which components are displayed. The mode works in a hierarchical manner. The main level defines the component types, which are to be shown. In addition, there are additional subtypes for, for instance, bars, with which the detail level of the final presentation can be selected.

Main level for <mode-i>
fg frame for subgraphs
bg background for subgraphs
axis main axes for a 3D display
saxis axes for each subgraph
datplc data scattering in 3D
ndatplc data scattering inside neurons
cntr contours
cntrlab labels for contours
bar bars
rngplt range plot
hst histograms
ldgr line diagrams
rlab labels for rules
fval field values in subgraphs
pmat point matrix in sungraphs
vecfld vector fields
reclab record labels
glab group labels
gcolor group colors
gfill group filling

<mode-i> types for bars
barflat 2D bars
barvert 3D bars as towers
barlab labels for bars in each subgraph
barlab1 labels for bars only in the first subgraph

<mode-i> types for line diagrams
ldgrlab labels for line diagrams

<mode-i> types for range plots
rngval show values with the plot
rnglab show names of the plots

Example (ex7.30): This short example shows, how the commands can be used.

NDA> mkgrp grp1 -s s1
# Show all components
NDA> en grp1 all
# Hide the frame of the neurons, but display their contents
NDA> dis grp1 fg barvert barlab barlab1


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Anssi Lensu
Thu May 17 15:00:44 EET DST 2001