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Basic statistics for classes


clsum Compute sums for classes
-c <cldata> classified data for defining classes
-d <srcdata> source data frame
-dout <trgdata> target data for statistics in classes
[-ext <extension>] extension for the name of the class variable
[-md <value>] missing value to be skipped
clavg Compute averages for classes
-c <cldata> classified data for defining classes
-d <srcdata> source data frame
-dout <trgdata> target data for statistics in classes
[-ext <extension>] extension for the name of the class variable
[-md <value>] missing value to be skipped
clvar Compute variances for classes
-c <cldata> classified data for defining classes
-d <srcdata> source data frame
-dout <trgdata> target data for statistics in classes
[-ext <extension>] extension for the name of the class variable
[-md <value>] missing value to be skipped
clmin Find minimum values for classes
-c <cldata> classified data for defining classes
-d <srcdata> source data frame
-dout <trgdata> target data for statistics in classes
[-ext <extension>] extension for the name of the class variable
[-md <value>] missing value to be skipped
clmax Find maximum values for classes
-c <cldata> classified data for defining classes
-d <srcdata> source data frame
-dout <trgdata> target data for statistics in classes
[-ext <extension>] extension for the name of the class variable
[-md <value>] missing value to be skipped

This set of commands computes statistics for the classes of <cldata>, which refer to data records in <srcdata>. The checking of the context between the classes and data records of the source data is left to the user.

The macro command clstat and the separate commands can be used to compute the same statistics. Only clkey is not provided by clstat. The macro command also provides names to the fields of resulting data automatically by using extensions which correspond to actual procedures (_avg, _min, _max, etc.).

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Anssi Lensu
Thu May 17 15:00:44 EET DST 2001