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k-means clustering


kmeans k-means clustering
-d <data> name of the input data frame
-dout <dataout> name of the output data frame
-cout <cldata> data frame for clusters
-k <k> number of k-means clusters

This command performs the k-means clustering algorithm in order to divide data into <k> clusters. The centroids of the clusters are stored into the frame <dataout> and the classification information of data records into the classified data <cldata>.

Example (ex5.15): In the example, the Boston data is divided into five clusters, which are visualized through their centroids.

NDA> load boston.dat
NDA> select flds -f boston.indus boston.age boston.zn boston.dis
NDA> kmeans -d flds -dout clusdat -cout cluscld -k 5
NDA> mkgrp win1 -d clusdat


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Anssi Lensu
Tue Jul 23 11:58:18 EET DST 2002