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Calculating features based on blobs


imgfeat Calculate 40 blob features per image
-in <image> input image
-out <featdata> result data frame
-val <thres> threshold choosing
flocfeat Calculate 8 blob features per blob
-in <image> input image
-out <featdata> result data frame
-val <thres> threshold choosing

These commands calculate blob-based features for given image. Command imgfeat forms eight distributions, area, perimeter, etc. and calculates mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis and entropy for all of these. This gives altogether 40 features for one image. Resulting data frame has 41 or 42 fields having one data record. First field (thres) tells absolute threshold and second field (quant) tells histogram quantile but only if threshold giving maximum amount of flocs was preferred. Rest of the fields tell values of features.

Command flocfeat measures each segmented blob and stores eight fields (are, per, ...) in the data frame. Now there are one data record for each segmented floc. Note, that amount of segmented flocs in paper images may be quite big.

Both commands have parameter thres that defines how segmentation of blobs is done. Following table lists possible values and their meaning.

thres threshold choosing
0...255 absolute gray level
-100...-1 persentage of blob pixels (1...100 %)
-101 median of the gray level histogram
-102 mean of the gray level histogram
-103 mode of the gray level histogram
-200 threshold giving largest amount of blobs
-300 segmentation using floodfill-algorithm

Example: Following commands calculate image features and floc features from paper image using 20 % quantile threshold.

# Load image
NDA> loadimg paper.gif img_in
NDA> cnvimg -in img_in -out img_gray -gray
NDA> negative -in img_gray -out img_neg
# Calculate image features
NDA> imgfeat -in img_neg -out imgdata -val -20
Getting image...
Selecting threshold...
Selected threshold: 181
Allocating memory...
Segmentating image...
Measuring objects...
Calculating features...
Inserting data...
# Calculate blob features
NDA> imgfeat -in img_neg -out flocdata -val -20
Getting image...
Selecting threshold...
Selected threshold: 181
Allocating memory...
Segmentating image...
Measuring objects...
Calculating features...
Inserting data...

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Anssi Lensu
Tue Jul 23 11:58:18 EET DST 2002