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Bars in subgraphs


bar Create or alter a bar
<graphic> name of the graphic structure
[-inx <index>] bar index
-f <field> source data field
[-sca <scaling>] scaling function, default=SOM
[-min <min>] minimum value
[-max <max>] maximum value
[-co <color>] color for the bar
[-expr <bool-expr>] boolean expression
bar <graphic> -f <field> -rm Remove a bar

This command creates bars to all subgraphs in a graphic structure. The <index> defines the place of this bar related to other specified bars. The scaling parameters are documented in a greater detail in section 7.5. The boolean expression can be used to show bars only for a part of the subgraphs. Only if the value of the expression is TRUE for a data record corresponding to a subgraph, a bar is created. More information about the evaluation of expressions can be found in section 4.3.1.

This operation creates the high level representation for a bar. In addition, the user can select the final appearance of the bars by selecting different modes for bar display (see commands en and dis in section 7.9).

Example (ex7.17): The following commands create two bars for displaying the average values of crim_avg and zn_avg in a SOM-oriented graphic structure.

NDA> clstat -c cld1 -d boston -dout stadata -all
NDA> mkgrp grp1 -s som
NDA> setgdat grp1 -d stadata
NDA> layer grp1 -l 3
NDA> bar grp1 -f stadata.crim_avg -co red
NDA> bar grp1 -f stadata.zn_avg -co green
NDA> en grp1 bar barflat
NDA> dis grp1 barflat barlab saxis


Example (ex7.18): This example is similar to the previous one, but now the bars are displayed as vertical towers.

NDA> mkgrp win1 -s s1
NDA> setgdat win1 -d sta
NDA> setgcld win1 -c c1
NDA> layer win1 -l 4
NDA> axis win1 -ax z -sca abs -min -0.5 -max 1 -step 4
NDA> nplc win1 -ax z -f s1_W.b_w
NDA> nsize win1 -v 0.5
NDA> topo win1 -on
NDA> bar win1 -f s1_W.crim_w -co red -expr 's1_W.crim_w' > 0.01;
NDA> bar win1 -f s1_W.zn_w -co green -expr 's1_W.zn_w' > 0.01;
NDA> bar win1 -f s1_W.chas_w -co blue -expr 's1_W.chas_w' > 0.01;
NDA> dis win1 barlab barflat saxis
NDA> en win1 bar barvert
NDA> viewp win1 -dz 150 -dy -15 -xy 42 -yz -70


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Anssi Lensu
Tue Jul 23 11:58:18 EET DST 2002