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Setting the places of graphic structures within graphic frames


setgfplc Set the place of a graphic structure within a graphic frame
-gf <gframe> name of the graphic frame
-g <graphic> name of the graphic structure
[-x0 <x0>] left boundary in [0,1], default = 0.0
[-y0 <y0>] bottom boundary in [0,1], default = 0.0
[-x1 <x1>] right boundary in [0,1], default = 1.0
[-y1 <y1>] top boundary in [0,1], default = 1.0
[-noname] remove the name of the graphic
[-name] show the name of the graphic structure

This command sets the place of a graphic structure related to a graphic frame. The ranges of the coordinates are in tex2html_wrap_inline10490 . -noname forces the name of the graphic structure not to be shown in the frame, and -name makes sure that it will be shown (if hidden earlier with addgf or setgfplc).

Example (ex7.32): Two graphic structures are created and then connected to a graphic frame. They are further placed within the frame.

NDA> mkgrp grp1 -s som
NDA> mkgrp grp2 -s som         # ... and define bars in them
NDA> mkgf -gf frm1             # Create a frame and set it
NDA> addgf -gf frm1 -g grp1
NDA> setgfplc -gf frm1 -g grp1 -x0 0.05 -y0 0.05 -x1 0.45 -y1 0.45
NDA> addgf -gf frm1 -g grp2
NDA> setgfplc -gf frm1 -g grp2 -x0 0.55 -y0 0.55 -x1 0.95 -y1 0.95
NDA> show frm1 -t frm


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Anssi Lensu
Tue Jul 23 11:58:18 EET DST 2002