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Conversion routines for time


sec2time Convert seconds to time format
-f <sec-field> field containing seconds
-fout <time-field> field to be created
[-sep <separator>] separator
time2sec Convert time format to seconds
-f <time-field> field including seconds
-fout <sec-field> field to be created
[-sep <separator>] separator

The command converts seconds to a time format. Seconds are represented as integers, and the time format as a string. The separator in the time format is optional with the default value `:'. Thus, the default time format is hh:mm:ss.

Example: The example shows, how conversions between seconds and the time format can be performed.

NDA> getdata time1
NDA> time2sec -f time1 -fout secs
NDA> getdata secs
NDA> sec2time -f secs -fout time2 -sep .
NDA> getdata time2

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Anssi Lensu
Tue Jul 23 11:58:18 EET DST 2002