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Spreading the groups of core neurons


somsprd Spread groups
-s <som> name of the TS-SOM
-w <prototypes> data for prototypes
-c <core-groups> the core of the groups
-cout <results> resulting groups

This operation spreads the core groups over the rest of the SOM. New neurons are bound to existing groups from their neighborhood based on the U-matrix distances. The closest neurons are enclosed into a group.

Example: As an example, four neurons have been selected to be the core of the groups. Then, somsprd is used to collect the rest of the neurons to these groups.

NDA> somsprd -s som -w som_W -c coreGroups -cout resGroups


Original Spread

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Anssi Lensu
Tue Jul 23 11:58:18 EET DST 2002