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Setting a layer



The command sets the layers of the TS-SOM to be displayed. Also several layers can be displayed simultaneously. The starting layer <min> defines the first layer, while the current is defined by <layer>. To display only one layer, the <min> is omitted. Due to several simultaneous layers, the starting layer can be kept the same by giving <min> = -1.

Example (ex7.4): The first example demonstrates the basic setting of the layer. See results in the left-hand side figure below.

NDA> mkgrp grp1 -s som1
NDA> layer grp1 -l 3

Example (ex7.5): The second example shows how several layers of the TS-SOM can be displayed simultaneously. Now the layer indexes of the TS-SOM must be stored first to a field by the command somlayer (see Sect. 5.1.4), and the places of the neurons are set according to the values of the field. The layers 0-3 are displayed.

NDA> somtr -d predata -sout som1 -l 4
NDA> somlayer -s som1 -f somlayer
NDA> mkgrp grp1 -s som1
NDA> axis grp1 -ax z -f somlayer -sca abs -min 0 -max 5
NDA> nplc grp1 -ax z -f somlayer
NDA> layer grp1 -l 3 -min 0
NDA> viewp grp1 -dz 150 -xy -100 -yz 85


Erkki Hakkinen
Thu Sep 24 11:51:34 EET DST 1998