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Creating contours



The operation creates contours onto a TS-SOM layer. The contour line is placed based to the values of <field> and the given value <value>. The values of the fields are interpolated between the neighbors of the neurons, and the line goes through the points whose interpolated values are equal to <value>.

Example (ex7.9): The example shows how contours can be created. Now the TS-SOM has been trained based on the Boston data. Three contours are created to describe the weight "rm_w" with values 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 in the layer 3.

NDA> mkgrp grp1 -s s1
NDA> layer grp1 -l 3
NDA> cntr grp1 -n rm=0.2 -co red -f s1_W.rm_w -v 0.2
NDA> cntr grp1 -n rm=0.3 -co blue -f s1_W.rm_w -v 0.3
NDA> cntr grp1 -n rm=0.4 -co magenta -f s1_W.rm_w -v 0.4


Erkki Hakkinen
Thu Sep 24 11:51:34 EET DST 1998