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Representing the fields of the data frame by a string field



The command packs all the data field of the <data> to one data field that is created with the name tex2html_wrap_inline5126 . The values are packed in the same order in which they lie in the data frame and the separator can be used between the values.

Example (ex2.4): The following example demonstrates how two fields of the Boston data can be packed into one field that is used to label the neurons of the SOM. See also the operation reclab from Sect. 7.4.10.

NDA> load boston.dat
# here the Boston data is analyzed through the TS-SOM
# and the SOM is visualized by using the graphics "win1"
NDA> select labflds -f boston.chas boston.crim
NDA> flds2str -d labflds -dout labs -sep _
NDA> reclab win1 -f labs


Erkki Hakkinen
Thu Sep 24 11:51:34 EET DST 1998