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Computing a U-matrix



The command computes a U-matrix for a TS-SOM. The <data> should include the variables of the neurons which are used for computing the distances between neurons. The result is a data frame including the distance information between neurons. The operation creates a data that includes a record for every neuron. The distances between neurons are stored in fields (2 direction tex2html_wrap_inline5686 SOM dimensions). The data frame will be <umat>".data". In addition, the operation stores the minimum and maximum values in each layer in the data <umat>."dminmax". See the command umat (Sect. 7.2.6) to display the U-matrix.

The next operation collects U-matrix distances to one field based on the groups. If the flag "-in" is not given, then distances between neurons of the distinct groups are collected, whereas with the flag only distance of the neurons from the same group are picked.

Example: As an example, three weights "rm_w", "zn_w" and "age_w" are selected to the basis of distance computing. Then a U-matrix is computed and created to a graphic structure. (To see the result, run the example `ex7.10' in Section 7.2.6.)

NDA> somtr -d boston -sout s1 -l 5
NDA> select umatflds -f s1_W.rm_w s1_W.zn_w s1_W.age_w
NDA> calcumat -s s1 -d umatflds -umat umat1
NDA> ls -fr umat1
# set graphical presentation
NDA> mkgrp grp1 -s s1
NDA> nsize grp1 -v 1.0
NDA> layer grp1 -l 4
NDA> umat grp1 -umat umat1

Erkki Hakkinen
Thu Sep 24 11:51:34 EET DST 1998