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The basic learning rule with a momentum term



This command trains a backpropagation network using the Matlab style of training algorithm. The method is based on a global learning rate parameter with a momentum term. By default one neuron for each input is used.

Example (ex5.7): Train a three-layered (input + hidden + output layer) network with a sine function using a sigmoid activation function in neurons. After training save the network output.

NDA> load sin.dat
NDA> select sinx -f sin.x
NDA> select siny -f sin.y
NDA> mbp -di sinx -do siny -net 3 1 10 1 -types s s s -em 1000
 -nout wei -ef virhe -bs 0.2 -mom 0.1
NDA> fbp -di sinx -do out -win wei
NDA> select output -f sin.x out.0
NDA> save output


Erkki Hakkinen
Thu Sep 24 11:51:34 EET DST 1998