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Setting the places of neurons in 3D



The operation sets the places of the neurons related to the x-, y- or z-axis in three-dimensional space. Before using this command, the scale of the axis should have been computed by the command axis (Sect. 7.2.7). The reserved field names "som_x", "som_y" and "som_z" mean the places of the neurons related to the grid of the SOM.

Example (ex7.12): The following commands set the scales of the axes "x" and "y" to the absolute range [0,1]. Then neurons are located according to two weights "x_w" and "y_w". The layer is set to 3.

NDA> somtr -d gauss.dat -sout som1 -l 5
NDA> mkgrp grp1 -s som1
NDA> nsize grp1 -v 0.2
NDA> topo grp1 -on
NDA> axis grp1 -ax x -sca abs -min 0.0 -max 1.0
NDA> axis grp1 -ax y -sca abs -min 0.0 -max 1.0
NDA> nplc grp1 -ax x -f som1_W.x_w
NDA> nplc grp1 -ax y -f som1_W.y_w
NDA> layer grp1 -l 3


Erkki Hakkinen
Thu Sep 24 11:51:34 EET DST 1998