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Undocumented commands

Data and SOM operations

equ -d <datain> -dout <dataout> [-d2 <statdata> -md <mdata>]

fldquar -d <datain> -fout <fldout> [-v <value>]

fnoise -d <datain> -f <field> -dout <dataout> -fout <fldout>
[-step <stepval> -max <maxval>]

gagrps -cmac <compose-mac> -emac <eval-mac> -min <minfld>
-max <maxfld> -cout <cldataout> [-imax <iter-max> -gmax <gmax>]

grp2rt -d <datain> -d2 <statdata> -c1 <groups> -c2 <cldata>
-rtout <dataout> -p <percent>

matchrec -d1 <datain1> -d2 <datain2> -dout <dataout>
[-pref <prefix>]
- Match data records in frames <datain1> and <datain2>

nclosest -s <som> -d <datain> -l <layer> -nn <nn>
-cout <cldataout> [-w <wmatrix> -dout <dataout>]
- Find <nn> closest neurons for given data items

nlargest -d <datain> -f <fld> -cout <cldataout> -nn <nn>
-thres <thvalue>
- Find <nn> largest values from data

noise -d <datain> -dout <dataout> -p <percent>
- Add normally distributed noise to data. Amount is specified as a percentage of the original variance

norm -d <datain> -dout <dataout> [-md <mdata>]

rt2text -rt <tree> -o <fileout> [-d <symdata> -sig <attrsig> -sort]
- Convert a rule tree into text

somcoord -s <som> -d <datain> -c <cldata> -dout <dataout>
[-w <wmatrix> -l <layer>]

Image operations

comatrix -in <iname> -out <outname> [-dx <xval> -dy <yval> -sign]

contrast -in <iname> -out <outname> -lambda <lval> -kappa <kval>

correlation -in <iname> -out <outname> -lambda <lval> -kappa <kval>

energy -in <iname> -out <outname>

entropy -in <iname> -out <outname>

feature -fz <fuz-name> -in <iname> -out <outname>

freqvar -in <iname> -out <outname>

freqvec -in <iname> -out <outname> -meth <method>

grayhst -in <iname> -out <outname>

idim -in <iname> -out <outname>

idm -in <iname> -out <outname> -lambda <lval> -kappa <kval>

loadm -in <iname> -out <outname>

mmax -in <iname> -out <outname>

pixeldata -dout <iname> [-gray <graylevel>]

savem -in <iname> -out <outname>

shiftspec -in <iname> -out <outname>

splitvec -in <iname> -out <outname> -len <len>

stripfirst -f <field>

textures -in <iname> -out <outname>

thresval -in <iname> -out <outname>

visualcom -in <iname> -out <outname> [-scale]

Textual data processing

3d2str -d <prob-matr> -fout <str-value> [-avg <avg-len>]
- Convert a 3-D conditional probability matrix into a string of characters

cldoc2www -td <textdata> -sd <sentdata> -skey <sentkeys>
-wind <word_inds> -sbind <sent_inds> -cl <class> -o <outfile>
[-qd <querydata> -qind <query_inds> -text <header> -color]
- List documents as web page with content highlighting

codeprob -f <str-fld> -dout <codes> [-aout <avg-fld>]
- Code a string field into a 2-D probability matrix for SOM training

codesent -c1 <cldata1> -c2 <cldata2> -dout <codes> [-bin -step]
- Code the sentences of some text data using neuron indexes of a word SOM. Each class of <cldata1> specifies one sentence, and <cldata2> is one layer of a word map. The result can be binary or gradually descending, which also indicates word order

codetext -f <str-fld> -dout <codes> [-split | -prob]
- Code a string field into SOM training data. -split and -prob provide different coding methods

descand -f <str-fld> [-fout <strs-out>]
- Remove Scandinavian alphabet from a field of strings. If <strs-out> is specified, the data is copied into a new field

fihyph -f <str-fld> -fout <strs-out>
- Hyphenate the strings of the given field using the rules in the Finnish language

idf -d <datain> -fout <idfout> [-dout <dataout>]
- Calculate inverse document frequencies and possibly scale data

instext -dout <dataout> -text <str1> <str2> ... <strn>; [-sen]
- Code a string specified on the command line into a string field

loadtext -dout <dataout> -astxt <fldnum> -sep <asciinum> [-asis <fnums> -aout <as-is-out> -sen]
- Load a text file into a word data frame (and possibly store some document data, too)

pd2cld -d <prob-matr> -cout <cldata> [-avg <avg-len>]
- Convert any conditional probability matrix into a classification

prob2str -d <prob-matr> -fout <str-value> [-avg <avg-len>]
- Convert a conditional probability matrix into a string of characters

scalecod -d <datain> [-range <rangeval> -base <baseval>
-maxout <max_out_fld> -dout <dataout>]
- Scale codes into specified range <baseval> ...<baseval> + <rangeval>

text3dprob -f <str-fld> -dout <prob-matr> [-aout <avg-fld>]
- Calculate a 3-D conditional probability matrix indicating how characters follow each other within the words of a string field. Two previous characters are taken into account

textprob -f <str-fld> -dout <prob-matr> [-aout <avg-fld>]
- Calculate conditional probability matrix indicating how characters follow each other within the words of a string field

tolower -f <str-fld> [-fout <strs-out>]
- Converts the strings in the given field into lowercase characters

weight2str -d <codes> -fout <strs-out>
- Convert a default or -prob text training data or the weights of a trained SOM into strings

Probabilistic calculation

complexity -d <prob-matr> -fout <compl-value> -acc <accuracy>
- Calculate the amount of bits needed to represent some data using a specified accuracy

condent -d <prob-matr> -fout <ent-value>
- Calculate the entropy of a conditional probability matrix

condprob -f <intfld> -dout <prob-matr> [-c <cldata> -aout<avg-fld>]
- Calculate conditional probability matrix indicating how integers follow each other within a field. The order of the integers can also be specified as a classification, in which case the beginning and end of each class is noted

difference -p <prob-matr1> -q <prob-matr2> -fout <diff-value>
[-acc <accuracy>]
- Calculate the Kullback-Leibler difference of two probability distributions

evalkern -f <fldin> -k <kernels> -fout <kern-est>
- Evaluate kernel estimates for the points in <fldin>

kernel -d <datain> -dout <kernels> -nkern <num-kernels>
- Fit <num-kernels> gaussian kernels into input data

modelcomp -s <som> -d <datain> -c <som-cld> -dout <results> [-acc <accuracy> -pinf <pin-fld> -cbook -int]
- Evaluate the model complexities of a TS-SOM representation of some original data using a specified accuracy or histogramming with specified number of pins. The results can be calculated as true bits (-int) or fractions of bits

optacc -d <datain> -fout <pin-fld> [-s <som> -c <som-cld> -acc <accuracy> -files -cbook]
- Optimize representation accuracy for data and, if a TS-SOM and SOM classification are specified, SOM + residuals for each layer of TS-SOM

probent -d <prob-matr> -fout <ent-value>
- Calculate the entropy of a simple probability matrix

viewpd -s <som> -d <datain> -c <som-cld> [-dhisto <datahisto> -shisto <somhisto> -rhisto <residuals>]
- Obtain histograms from data, SOM and residuals (data - SOM neuron)

Socket communication

mok -d <data>

idlist -d <data>

{send | sendb} -id <rec_id>
{-d <data> | -c <cldata> | -f <field> | -m <macro> | -i <image>
| -x <matrix>} -sout <stat_fld>

{receive | receiveb} -id <src_id>
-sout <stat_fld> -idout <id_fld> -nout <name_fld> -tout <type_fld>

remoteinit -d <connect_data> -id <my_id> -p <my_port> -sout <stat_fld>

remoteend -d <connect_data> -id <my_id> -p <my_port> -sout <stat_fld>

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Anssi Lensu 2006-02-23